Hi! I am Fatih, an obsessed software craftsman and AI researcher. I am the founder of PragmaCraft, a semantic technology startup.

I have been writing code since I wrote my first program on a Commodore 64 at age 10. I developed my first real working software on high school, which was a list management tool for hall monitors. Lots of other projects followed that later on university. After graduating, I started working at an information security company in a technology park, mostly on cryptography, PKI and digital signatures. On grad school, I fell in love with Artificial Intelligence, and took all related courses. More projects followed, the main one was Natural Intelligence.

Then I decided to work on my own, on my hobby projects including PragmaCMS and fmgVen. Participated in  entrepreneurship competitions with my research project. PragmaCraft was ICT category runner-up and Intel special award winner at the New Ideas New Businesses 2012 competition (YFYİ). Also participated in the 2012 Intel Global Challenge at UC Berkeley as the Intel Challenge Turkey winner.

On April 2013 I started my company PragmaCraft, to help the world's best professionals be more productive at their work;

At PragmaCraft, among other cool stuff, we're working on the Intelligent Search Assistant project which helps users to semantically filter web content by natural language.

The three keywords identifies me; obsessive, minimalist and passionate. When it comes to work I am perfectionist and edge case OCD. I am minimalist in design, and I believe that simple and consistent design leads to elegance. Finally, I am passionate about developing high quality software which makes its users happy.

I have a B.S. degree in CEIT and M.S. degree in Computer Engineering, both from METU. For more background see my LinkedIn page. Also check software and experience pages for my professional and hobby projects.

And this is my favorite xkcd comic :)

"I find that when someone's taking time to do something right in the present, they're a perfectionist with no ability to prioritize, whereas when someone took time to do something right in the past, they're a master artisan of great foresight."